What's New Friday?

on 3/27/08 11:11 pm
Happy Birthday Susan! Hi there Annette and all, We are suppose to have more snow today. Have had some almost everyday...up to 4-6 inches next. This is getting silly. Work is going well, like an elephant sandwich...just have to take tiny bites and hopefully I can get all done and get the stuff back in order, organized and completed as it should be... I think I'm sleeping a bit better and may have gone down a half a pound...hopefully it is gonna continue and I'll be out of this 5 week plateau... I posted a couple of new pics on my profile. Melanie sounds like a little sweetie, Annette. I am looking forward to grands but not yet...Beth still in college... Laureen, what kind of dog do you have, he sounds like such a nice guy. Have fun in your travels. Debbie, I will try drinking more water too...I know what you mean about needing the depends. We only have 2 bathrooms and they are almost always in use so it is a pain... Judy, I am so happy for you....have a wonderful weekend. My goal is to take at least one day out of the two and scrapbook...not plant myself on the bed and zone out with TV... Take Care guys! Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Connie D.
on 3/27/08 11:12 pm
Good Morning Annette and everyone........ First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN!!!!  Hope you have a wonderful and fun day!   Happy Birthday  Annette....your little Melanie sounds like a real little sweetie. I am sure you really enjoy spending that special time with her.  Daughter & Mother  Laureen....I hope you have a terrific trip. Keep safe!!! I look forward to your return and hearing all the stories you will have to tell.   Convertible Female  I am working today...I usually don't on Fridays but because of having Monday off I need to catch up today. Just have a couple hours of work to do so that isn't bad. Business Woman  I am going to meet up with about bunch of ladies tomorrow. We have all had weight loss surgery. They are all from the MN board. We have reserved a "Wilderness Lodge" and we will be there for the weekend. It will be alot of fun I am just sure of that!! I need to get away and this will be a good time.  Backpacker  On April 7th Nic comes to MN for chemo again. They will be staying with me that week. I look forward to them being here I just wi**** were for other reasons. I will take care of little Gracie while they have his treatments done. She is 16 months old and so much fun. I look forward to spending time with her too.The rest of Nic's chemo treatments can be done at the local hospital there in Iowa unless there are problems. This is a different and new kind of chemo and we aren't sure how he will be effected by it. Then there will be radiation treatments. Then it will be decided if he needs to return to New York for the other treatments as well. We still don't have his bone marrow results back. I will update as I hear more. Everyone have a good day and I will check in again tomorrow. Love and hugs to all.......connie d
Cajun Angel
on 3/28/08 1:48 am - New Orleans, LA
Connie, waiting and praying for good news on that update RE:  Nic!
Connie D.
on 3/28/08 1:59 am
Thanks for the continued prayers Debbie....you are so sweet. Hugs and love ....connie d
Karen S.
on 3/28/08 2:48 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Connie.........I wish I could HUG you tightly and tell you how much I care, and how deeply I hope and pray that all goes well for all of you.

I hope you feel the love coming to you from your little OFF family........it's a powerful force.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Connie D.
on 3/28/08 4:42 am
Thank you Karen!!  I really do feel the love, caring and concern from all the OFF members. Getting to know all of you and being here with all of you has helped make this journey a tolerable one. I don't just mean the weight loss journey....my whole lifes journey. I love and care for each and every one of you!!!!  Thank you for the wonderful reply. Love and hugs......connie d
Brenda R.
on 3/27/08 11:38 pm - Portage, IN
Good moring to all of my OFF family. Today is Friday and that is a wonderful thing. I am sitting in the church office since today is my last day. I can't believe how slow this blasted computer is. I think that my dead dog could move faster than this thing does. I just suggested some ideas for the office but none of them will be followed up on because "there isn't the money for that!" I get so sick of hearing that. Yes, I understand that money is a problem for everyone but come on let's get into the 21st century people.  It is in the low 30's here this morning. There is a dusting of snow but a lot of ice. You should have seen me out there freezing my a** off scraping the ice from the car. That is another thing that I hate about winter. The list just keeps getting longer and longer! The sun is out and so I am hoping that the ice will be gone by the time I get out of here at noon. I had to park in front of the church this morning since the parking lot was nothing but a sheet of ice. I thought there isn't anything so important to me to walk on ice. That is all I need to do is fall on my butt in public!!!! That would be the ultimate embarassing moment. I don't really have much planned for the rest of the day. When I leave here I am going home and watch my favorite and only soap which is "Days of Our Lives" and then do some things around the house. I haven't got the faintest idea if Bill has anything planned for this week end either. Leave it to me to be the last to know anything. I know that I just want to have some alone time together. I know that we need that right now. I also would like to go out to dinner one night and go to the new Mexican restaurant in town. I have heard that it is really good. I don't even know the name of it but all I know is it is in the old Pizza Hut building.  I have to call my sister today too. She called me the other day and was going and on and I just wanted to get off the phone with her. That is how I feel most of the time. She is soooo depressing and all she seems to do is complain. About EVERYTHING!!!!!!! i just rol my eyes most of the time that I am talking to her. I just wish that she would get some kind of life. Since her husband dies she just keeps getting worse. It is now to the point that she doesn't want to do anythng or go anywhere most of the time. If someone (usually her daughter) will do it for her that is what happens. I try to avoid her most of the time and then I feel guilty about that. She is my only sibling and I think that we need to spend more time together but it just gets on my last nerve at times. Ya know what I mean? I guess I had better get going. I have a few things to do around here to get ready for Sunday and I should get that done. I will stop in later and chat some more. Have a good and blessed day today all and make sure you come home safe to us. Love and hugs to all.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 3/27/08 11:38 pm - Bradenton, FL
Good morning all, I am so excited, I get to meet Laureen tomorrow. We are going to drive over to Clearwater to meet up with her sometime tomorrow. I took the weekend off as we arent busy at all. I am working an extra day today as my hr were short. I need some extra tips so I can have some spending money for Pittsburgh. Well off to work. Have a great day. Carla
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Margo M.
on 3/28/08 12:35 am - Elyria, OH
morning! i should have posted when i got up at 5-instead i read a bit and went back to bed- michael woke me at 9-felt that i had slept enough..hhmmmmmppppppffffff he had been online reading and found the report of the latest psych--and it sent him into a tither...soooo--it's gonna be a long weekend here i fear.... yesterday i did something cool--when i am doing the geneaology sometimes it's hard to think about "these people" cuz i have no photos or anything-but yesterday i printed a document taha had the handwriting and signature of one of my patriots--i think he's a 6th great grandfather-maybe not-can't count this morning!!!!-anyhow- i had his handwriting in my hands and i wept.....then i found out that at one period of time after the Revolutionary War; he lived not 20 miles from where i grew up in Ohio and where i raised my kids.....do you hear twilight zone music????? he then moved to michigan where he died -and i was born but not same town! i also found another living cousin-many times removed but so cool!!!!!!!! well- i'm probly repeating self so am going to go shower.... it's friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do any of your local radio stations play taht "Finally Friday" and "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the road"?--our local country station 99.9 out of toledo does--they play it at 7 am and 5 pm---it is a hoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and--one more weeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....whooooooooo hooooooooooo sorry--i just really need the palooza!!!!!!!
Cajun Angel
on 3/28/08 1:56 am - New Orleans, LA
Oh yes, "Finally Friday"  I catch it almost every Fri. on my way home on 101.1 FM Country Music!  As far as "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road", George and I taught Ethan the words.  Soon to be exDIL was slightly pi$$ed!  Ethan sang it for his pre-school class, and now has several of the kids singing it too.  How about "Fish Heads" from long ago on the Dr. Demento show.  That was one of our kids' favorite.  "Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads...Took a fish head to the movie, didn't have to pay to get it in..."
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